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Showing posts from February, 2012

Historic Documents of Skillman Village

 Historic Documents of Skillman Village Any towns' building plans (many more than 80 years old) need to be cataloged and properly stored.  The Township Planning Director and Engineer will work closely with a scout to undertake this important task. You could contact the following people:  Municipal Representative: Lori Savron, Planning Director email: or 908-359-8211 ext. 206 Under this category is to research historic cemetery at NPDC/Skillman Village The idea is to research and document the historic cemetery at the North Princeton Developmental Center (now known as Skillman Village ).  The Township has many old documents that need to be reviewed so that a compendium of those buried there – perhaps with a brief history – can be assembled.  It is critical that this history not be lost.  The Township now owns this cemetery and will care for it until a future time when it may be transferred to an...


Back to Tap Encourage residents to reduce the number of disposable water bottles used and thrown into the trash in Montgomery .  Ask residents to switch from bottled water to tap water, to use reusable water bottles when possible and to recycle.  Publicize the quality of tap water (Elizabethtown/NJ American Water can provide data).  Educate residents on health reusable bottles, for example, plastic BPA-free bottles, stainless steel and glass.  See for more information. Municipal Representative : Lauren Wasilauski, Open Space Coordinator email: or 908-359-8211 ext. 343 Improve Recycling in Montgomery Township Visit the Somerset County Recycling center, research businesses not recycling, work with the Montgomery Township Recycling Coordinator and Montgomery Sustainability Committee to send letters to those businesses, track success, encourage residential recycling.  Participants wi...

Health Fair

Heart Health Fair Organize and carry out a Heart Health fair during the month of February (Heart Month) at the Otto Kauffman Community Center .    Municipal Representative: Stephanie Carey, Health Officer  email:  or 908-359-8211 ext. 245 Great American Smoke Out Organize and carry out an event related to the Great American Smoke Out in November for awareness of the dangers of smoking. Municipal Representative: Stephanie Carey, Health Officer email:  or 908-359-8211 ext. 245 Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Screenings for Fathers Organize and carry out a Father/Son baseball game in which cholesterol and blood pressure screenings are available to the fathers. Municipal Representative: Stephanie Carey, Health Officer email:  or (908) 359-8211 ext. 245 Blood Drive Organize and carry out a Blood Drive . Municip...

Bike path/ Trails

English/Spanish Bike Safety Brochure Develop a brochure on bicycle safety in Spanish and English for use at the Princeton English as a Second Language Class. Municipal Representative: Sarah Roberts, Pedestrian Committee Chair email: or (908) 359-4837 Pathway Distance Work with the Open Space/Pathways Committee to determine the length of all pathways in the Township.  The scout could also erect mile markers on trees or stakes. Municipal Representative: Lauren Wasilauski, Open Space Coordinator email: or 908-359-8211 ext. 343 Interpretive Signs on School Link and Canal/Boardwalk Trails Research the information that should be displayed on interpretive signs that are required by the DEP for two public trails. Township will cover expenses for the fabrication of the signs. Municipal Representative: Lauren Wasilauski, Open Space Coordinator email:   LWasilauski@twp...

Gold Award and Eagle Award Guidelines

at the newark museum Guidelines  for Boy Scout Eagle Award & Girl Scout Gold Award Leadership Projects in M ontgomery Township Neighborhood Pathways Outreach Create a pathway/open space education project targeted to residents that live near a particular property/pathway (i.e. Woodsedge and Yorkshire Woods residents who live near several Township-owned properties and trails).  The Open Space Committee thought it would be useful for the scouts to make the residents aware of the property, as well as serving to inform them of rules about littering and motorized vehicles.  This education to neighbors could be in the form of flyers and/or a door-to-door campaign.  The Township has materials such as maps, but the scouts could do research on what sorts of animals use the areas as habitat, benefits of open space, pathways as exercise etc. Municipal Representative: Lauren Wasilauski, Open Space Coordinator email: ...

Match-a-kid: Volunteering

I look at what's out there to volunteer for and update the blog. The blog is like a clearinghouse for projects. The sources I get my info from are the library, the community centers, the senior centers, educational institutions and the municipal office in Montgomery. It is one thing to be a part of the community and it is another matter to belong and be social in it. The blog is about creating and talking about projects that the community and especially the youth can be involved in for community service. Many High Schools do not have community service as a requirement for credit but it is a useful way to occupy a mind, involve in helping others and more than anything else- being part of the society in which one already belongs. Here you will find many ideas for projects that can be taken up. ********************************** number of the day 582,000 on 2/15/12 That's how many young people raised their hands -not just that- but applied to se...

Community Service